A Fan and Researcher Talks about William Lindsay Gresham: Interview with Diego Domingo

People who have read my earlier posts about the graphic novel adaptation of Nightmare Alley or the 2021 movie adaptation by Guillermo del Toro probably know that I’m interested in the man who wrote the book as much as I’m interested in its story. I have been blessed to connect with some people who have helped me to learn more. Few have been more helpful than Diego Domingo, currently the curator of the William Lindsay Gresham Facebook page.

Diego has an insatiable interest in Gresham’s life and writings (particularly his work on Harry Houdini and other magicians or entertaining). He’s consistently been a great resource whenever I needed to double-check things. So, I was glad when he agreed to do an interview on Gresham for Fellowship & Fairydust.

Our interview can be read below:

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